Why I Say NO to Sunnica

1. It plates over England’s green and pleasant land with huge solar panel arrays, and battery packs the size of shipping containers. It industrialises huge tracts of what is currently green farmland,  with trees, hedgerows, and habitats for wildlife. This is environmental  destruction, not environmental protection.

2. Original area (under revision) about 1500 hectares or about 3700 acres  –  over a third of the area of Cambridge, enough to build a whole new town if you wanted to.

3. Parts of Sunnica are directly adjacent to Chippenham Park and the Chippenham Fen Site of Special Scientific Interest. Solar panel arrays can make land warmer – even at night, so the local microclimate will be changed.

4.  A power rating of 500 MW is claimed but that’s maximum power – only on bright sunny days in midsummer. Cloudy days in winter will yield much less. Solar panels don’t work at night, at all. So the average output will be much more modest. Sunnica haven’t told us how modest. And even 500 MW is very modest output for a conventional power station – and they work continuously, using much less land area.

So:  Lots of Pain, not much Gain! That's why I say NO to Sunnica! 

Say NO to Sunnica- common posters in the area affected. I will also say NO to Sunnica.

Say NO to Sunnica- common posters in the area affected. I will also say NO to Sunnica.

Solar panels on rooftops have low impact. Field after field of solar panels wrecks the landscape.

Solar panels on rooftops, no problem. Plating over England is Brown and Black, not Green!

Breakdown of costs of green energy- £340 extra per year per household.

The costs of “Green” Energy: Money

The total annual renewables subsidy impact on UK household cost of living is £9 billion - £340 per year per household.


Cost of Energy Review- Professor Dieter Helm, Oxford University.

 The legacy costs of electricity decarbonisation will be over £100 billion by 2030

In electricity, the costs of decarbonisation are already estimated by the Climate Change Committee to be around 20% of typical electricity bills. These legacy costs will amount to well over £100 billion by 2030”.  

Professor Dieter Helm, Oxford University:

Item 3, Executive Summary, “Cost of Energy Review”, 25 October 2017

Whole report here, commissioned by Theresa May, then ignored:


(Health warning: 242 pages, for geeks and nerds only).

For geeks and nerds only

Cartoon about renewable energy

The impossibility of “Net-Zero”: “Herds of Unicorns” are required

Energy Utopias and Engineering Reality, by Prof Michael Kelly FRS FREng

Annual Lecture, Global Warming Policy Foundation, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 11 November 2019